May 26, 2019

As we near the end of another blessed year at OCCA, I know many students are eagerly anticipating the start of summer vacation.  All of our academics will be completed this coming Friday morning, May 24th and, as such, we will be offering the following schedule change to those families that can and wish to take advantage of it.  Any family which would like to pick up their children early, may do so anytime after 12:00 PM. 

Please note that for any students who cannot be picked up early, our staff will remain at the school until regular dismissal time.  In addition, lunch will still be provided as usual and after-care will be available after school.  

For those that will be leaving early, please note the following:
– Parents must sign out their child(ren) at the school office when picking them up.
– If someone other than the parents will be picking up your child(ren), please make sure that they are on the authorized pick-up list.
– For students who use lockers, their locker must be emptied, cleaned out and checked by the homeroom teacher before the student may leave.
– If you have already pre-ordered lunch for Friday and are planning on leaving early, please reply to this email and let us know so that we can properly credit back your account for the lunch charges.

If you have any questions pertaining to these changes, please contact the school office or your child’s teacher and we will be happy to help.

Thank you.

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