Apr. 5, 2020

Today is Palm Sunday. It is the time that we designate to celebrate the entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. Luke 19:28-48 provides great insight concerning the events of that day. We see a great demonstration of the authority of Jesus Christ over man and beast. – v.28-31 With great detail and revelation the Bible provides in v.32-34 an accurate account of fulfilled prophetic experience. In v.35-38 the crowds would spontaneously shout out in praise of their King. However, there is always great opposition towards Jesus Christ. – v.39-40 Jesus would rebuked their hardened hearts by declaring that the stones would cry out in praise. I am always overwhelmed by the opportunities we have to worship and praise our God. Jesus will weep over the city because He has so many blessings to give. – v.41-44 However, their disobedience would only bring God’s chastisement upon them. The house of God is to be a place of prayer. Yet, the money changers had made it a place of commerce and business. Verses  45-46 record Jesus’ disdain for their disrespect for the house of God. We must be careful that we do not defile that which is sacred. It would seem that far too many churches are chasing after wealth, popularity, and acceptance in the world. The people were moved by the teaching of Jesus Christ. – v.47-48 Their lives were change by the authoritative power of the Word of God. II Timothy 4:2 “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.”